My living room has become Calligraphy Central this week. About eight years ago, I was recruited to address my friend Sara's wedding invitations, even though she was single. :) I guess my handwriting has a bit of a reputation amongst some of my friends (although some have handwriting that is just as beautiful if not moreso than mine).
So, Sara's Prince Charming finally came along and I'm now knee-deep in ink and invitations. Sara wanted something more scripty than what I did for my own invitations, so since it turns out the scripty kinds of calligraphy are the hardest, I sort of created my own style, copying the Copperplate the best I could with no formal training. :)
I think they're looking pretty good, and Sara likes them, which is really all that matters!
Eight sheets of addresses down, five to go by Sunday!
holy SMOKES! that looks GREAT! wish i had known you for my stuff! hey...maybe you can tag along and do notes for me in the hospital! wait..we r going paperless..well, i'll think about it...great work!
Beautiful! I especially love the capital Bs and Ds. :)
these are gorgeous!
man. i wish i could do that. :)
so pretty.
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